Sunday, December 30, 2007

AT LAST! I have finally got my wonderful Christmas present from Julian Buttenshaw, mounted on the wall. I had to colour the hook it hangs from with alcohol inks to dull it down a bit


artymarty said...

I think Someone has been inspired by Michael de Meng. I love it Greta. You lucky thing and well done Julian.

Linda M. Cain said...

WOW! Or as they would have said in my day...far out! Great work, Julian..and you are a lucky girl, Greta!

Kathleen Summers said...

Oooh, that's really cool. What a neat gift!

I like your ATC's and such. And thanks for coming by my blog for a visit!

Chris in Oz said...

That is just fantastic. You're very lucky to be the recipient of such treasure. BTW, can you tell me where to buy those little clip thingoes that are attaching the canvas to the hanger. I see them so much in others' work but have no idea where to get them.

Jen Crossley said...

Just stunning your so lucky Julian is so talented

Kathy said...

That's fantastic, Julian is really talented. Not long now till Michael's workshops and hopefully we'll be able to produce some interesting deMeng style pieces ourselves..

kelsey said...

GORGEOUS piece Greta....lucky you and congrats to Julian for producing such a wonderful piece of art!

Karen Cole said...

Thanks for your lovely comment, Greta.....and thanks so much for visiting.

I take it you are taking one of Michaels workshops?

You will not be disappointed!! He is truly an inspiration. Enjoy.
