Sunday, June 03, 2007

I was TOTALLY spoilt on my birthday
Firstly there was the gorgeous Nina Bagley necklace, handmade candle and card from Debbie Larcombe. I was totally blown away by this beautiful necklace, then there is the beautiful sepia/cream tiles from Donna Taylor. Next is the pink arch card from Teresa and the green shoes from Amy. Everyone knows I love shoes! And last but by no means least - the mounted tiles and frame from Helen Franklin.
I also had a bag of goodees arrive from my sister with another shoe card.
Sorrry I missed everyone's phone calls yesterday. But THANK YOU to everyone who made my birthday so SPECIAL!


Jen Crossley said...

What a very lucky girl you are to receive such wonderful gifts and cards,Love Debbie's necklace she gave you WOW.
Hope you had a great day

Teresa Abajo said...

I'm glad you felt special, because you are a special, lovely person Greta Young, and we love you and Jesus loves you too.
Have a great day,